
Archive for June, 2013


My sketch of a lion.



As a child I loved art but stopped drawing for many years.

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My drawing of a tree.



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In this YouTube video, Ray Kurzweil a world-class prolific inventor and leading futurist author,  points to 2045 for the technological singularity when A.I. will surpass human intelligence and physical immortality will be possible.

Please note he is talking about the elite who believe in a 500 million people population, this is not conspiracy it’s fact.

My view is that the mind will always be superior to technology and can create a youthful state. Movies and the media are constantly programming us with the belief that technology is the only way.

The world will have to change into a much better place for me to stay but at least I will not grow old.

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I just watched a documentary about the Red Cross’s successful malaria treatment trial using MMS. You can view this video here. I have successfully been using MMS for years now.

Jim Humble’s latest newsletter

Here is a letter from Jim Humble’s latest newsletter, on an apparent silencing campaign over the Red Cross’s successful malaria treatment trial using MMS.

Malaria Overcome

One the most important medical clinical trial to ever be conducted was started on the 11th of December 2012 and lasted 4 days.  This one trial is likely to impact more people and more countries than any such trial that has ever been conducted before.  This clinical trial was conducted by a division of the International Red Cross, the Uganda Red Cross and the local Uganda Health Department.  More than 600 people were tested.  All 600 had various health complaints and all were treated, however, there were only 154 who proved to have malaria when tested with both the malaria test strips and microscopic observation of the blood.  These two tests are universally considered proof of the malaria disease.

The adults testing positive for malaria were given 18 drops of a 28% solution of the mineral sodium chlorite the majority of which is mined in Spain before processing into sodium chlodrite.  The children testing positive to malaria were given 8 drops of this same solution.  The drops were activated with a food grade acid such as lemon juice before being consumed by the malaria victims.

The following day (24 hours later) all 154 malaria victims were not only well and feeling good, but they all tested negative to malaria.  There were 11 malaria victims that required a second dose, but the fact is in spite of requiring a second dose, all 154 malaria victims were free of malaria by the end of 24 hours.

This same chemical that was used for overcoming the malaria, is used in thousands of water purification plants and water works throughout the world.  Chances are that it is in the water that you are drinking right now, but at a reduced strength.  If you live in America it is unlikely that you have avoided chlorine dioxide as it is used on vegetables throughout the USA to not only kill pathogens that might be present but to also give it more than double the life of unpurified vegetables by killing the microorganisms that cause early decay.  Like all chemicals known to man, it is useful at certain strengths and poisonous at other strengths.  It is known by the simplest of chemical formulas, CLO2.  It can be purchased at most chemical supply stores throughout the world under the chemical name of sodium chlorite.  It releases chlorine dioxide gas (CLO2) upon touching food grade acid and the chlorine Dioxide gas is what kills the malaria.

The Red Cross first tried their best to suppress the release of the data for 5 months and when I realized that they never intended to release the data;  I and others of my people decided to release the data before they were able to completely hide all of the information.  The reason they are now giving for hiding the data is that they must test the Chlorine dioxide for safety.  But all the safety testing has been done decades ago.  The FDA approves of using chlorine dioxide on food and for disinfectant and sterilizer use years ago.  Go to their site FDA.com and check it out.  Chlorine dioxide was tested for safety in human ingestion and a copy of the data is available herencbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1569027/pdf/envhper00463-0059.pdf.  Hundreds of tests on humans and rats and mice have been conducted.  There is no reason for repeating such tests.

Now please tell me why I would lie about this.  There are thousands of companies selling this chemical and using this chemical around the world and I receive no money from their sales.  The only thing my Church does is cure people for free and ask for very small donations.

If you want to know why people are now dying of malaria, follow the money.  It takes 25 cents to cure a malaria case with chlorine dioxide and hundreds or even thousands of dollars to treat a single malaria case with pharmaceutical drugs.  And because the pharmaceutical companies and most countries and now even the Red Cross suppress the data, thousands of children and adults die each day.

The use of this chemical in this way to cure malaria was first developed by Jim Humble, Archbishop of the Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing as one way of completely overcoming poverty in Africa and allowing people of Africa to regain their health.  In 15 years with millions of people having taken chlorine dioxide there is not one single death recorded as caused by chlorine dioxide (known World wide as MMS).  Nor is there a single record anywhere that it was established that damage was done to a single person.  There are critics that say that chlorine dioxide does not cure anything, and guess what,  even though the critics really don’t know why they are correct they are in fact correct.  Chlorine dioxide, pharmaceutical drugs, nutrition nor anything else ever cures the body.

The only thing that ever cures the body is the body.

Pharmaceutical drugs hide the ill symptoms, and the pains, but chlorine dioxide kills the pathogens that are present thus stopping the poisons generated by the disease germs.  This then allows the body and the immune system to take over and begin rebuilding the damage that the disease has done.  And that was the miracle that happened in Uganda back starting on the 11th of December 2012.  The chlorine dioxide allowed 100% of all the malaria cases to heal themselves in less than 24 hours because the malaria parasites were dead.  Now millions of people could be saved because of the proof given in many documents that have been recorded on the Utube and we welcome the opportunity to conduct more testing this time with additional professional witnesses present, such as the United Nations, the World Bank, Doctors without Borders, and even official catholic witnesses and witnesses from other religions.

We are now asking that an official trial be conducted with official witnesses from enough different sources that the information cannot be suppressed.  What could anyone possibly have against that?

Of course this trial would also be broadcast as an on line operation and thus could be recorded around the world.

If there is anyone out there with the money necessary to finance this kind of an operation this is your chance to change the world with a tiny amount of money.

This email is to let you know we are still working on the situation and that the only thing that the Red Cross has done by lying is to bring more people’s attention to their evil intentions.  They are just proving our point at this time.  Things are coming together as you will soon see.

Now look below:
Canadian Anti-Corruption League

I want to tell you about two organizations that have offered to help the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing.

I wish at this time to introduce the members of the MMS News Bulletin to two organizations that have offered to help genesis II Church of Health and Healing to advance to the next stage.

First is the CACL or Canadian Anti Corruption League that is led by Bishop Royce Hamer of Ontario Canada. Their goal is to put a stop to the corruption of governments that has been 100% responsible for the obstruction to spreading the MMS to all people of this planet. All present governments fear any anti corruption campaigns and organizations since it forces them to be accountable. CACL has a very good web site to view their platform that is based on anti corruption theme 100% canadiananticorruptionleague.org If you are Canadian we urge you to join up as it is no cost at this time for basic membership. Should you live in another country and wish to start a similar organization CACL will provide all the help needed within their scope of knowledge free of charge.

Corruption is a hideous cancer that is a curse to all societies and if left unchecked is the cause of death, destruction and a dysfunctional societal order. CACL intends to bring MMS and similar products into the mainstream of real health care. CACL believes that bleeding sick people through big pharma is unnecessary and evil serving only those with deep pockets that control corrupt governments. In addition SEE BELOW.

MMS News Bulletin

Members that are using the net and want help by low cost professionals to maximize your web presence.

VRCities.net, & BizPartners Network are using their talents to organize a major funding initiative for Genesis II Church to promote MMS to all humanity. VRCities is a large-scale online project to build a positive communications system that works at all levels of human culture. VRCities and their partners are assisting us to obtain funding that will expand MMS & Genesis II Church web presence and reach.

VRCities is also using its system to support the Canadian Anti-Corruption League and help establish a global anti-corruption drive.  We agree that corruption is at the root of many problems that get in the way of improving our lives, including the spread of effective healing methods, such as MMS.

If you would like to get better results for yourself AND support MMS by using the power of computers and the Internet, please contact VRC Partners at the following email address.


Include some information about your background and interests to help them serve you better.

With love,
Jim Humble Archbishop of the Genesis 2 Church

Source:  www.miraclemineral.co.nz  

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Paper.li helps people more quickly and easily find, discover and share content across the web. You can publish a paper to monitor news on a specific subject, market your business, engage your community or just keep up on your favorite topics.

Paper.li has the technology and tools to help you out.

Here is the link to my newspaper: http://paper.li/f-1370761801

I am going to use it to promote alternative media freedom-related articles.

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Reject water flouridation….

Watch this video on the dangers of flouridation.

Flouride Action Network:  

We reject water fluoridation in New Zealand.  We care deeply about the dental health of our children and our community, but do not accept that diluting industrial waste and a cumulative poison in our drinking water is the best we can do for our families. We join the thousands of science, dental and medical professionals who have condemned this practice, in calling for its immediate abolishment, on the grounds that it:

– is outdated and based on unsound science;

– imposes upon us chronic, systemic health risks for a topical benefit;

– constitutes an unacceptable interference with our right to choose what we ingest;

– violates the most basic principles of ethical and sound medical practice (informed consent and patient autonomy, physician supervision, dosage control based on individual health status and susceptibility to adverse effects);

– violates our most fundamental liberties, including the right to refuse medical treatment, as protected by the NZ Bill of Rights.

Our signatures signify that we do not consent to the addition of fluoridating chemicals to our drinking water and demand that all New Zealand councils cease this practice at once.

You can register here

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I watched this documentary on Michael Ruppert, a police officer turned independent reporter who predicted the current financial crisis in his self-published newsletter, From the Wilderness.  Michael discusses peak oil, conspiracy facts and the coming paradigm shift.

The interview is actually positive and gives humanity hope.

Here is that link again

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“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

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“Imagine a world in which one could jump through Grand Central Teleport in New York City, travel through a vortal tunnel in the time-space continuum, and emerge several seconds later at Union Teleport in Los Angeles. Such a world has been possible since 1968, when teleportation was first achieved by DARPA’s Project Pegasus. When my quest, Project Pegasus, succeeds, such a world will emerge, and human beings linked globally via teleportation will proclaim the Time-Space Age has begun.”

~ Andrew D. Basiago

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Economics is the study of how to satisfy unlimited human needs with limited resources. Capitalism is one Economic theory of how to solve this problem. However, economics actually creates this problem because it creates the belief that resources are limited and that people have unlimited needs.

Do we really have unlimited needs?

While there are certainly people who may have unlimited needs I do not think that this is true for most people. This is because people who know themselves, know what makes them happy, know what they enjoy and actually know how much they need and therefore have finite needs.

To achieve a state of having satisfied needs you first need to know how much you want or you will never have enough and always be in a state of wanting.

Using the analogy of a billionaire who has hundreds of cars, art, antiques but does not really have an interest in any of these things, to the car enthusiast who has a passion for cars but does not need or want art or antiques. The billionaire will always want one more car, painting or antique, while the car enthusiast will likely only want a specific make or model of car but not art or antiques. It is likely that the car enthusiast will be satisfied with a fraction of the cars than that of the billionaire.

Do we really have limited resources?

While scarcity certainly does exist in some places of the world. I think that most of the scarcity that exists now is because of the control of resources to limit supply to create value.

Central to capitalism is property rights or the right to control and exploit natural resources.  Capitalism prevents free and equal access to the natural resources that people need to satisfy needs.  It effectively creates a system whereby the owners of the natural resources can control and exploit those who do not have the same resources.

Before capitalism,  many things that we now have to pay for were free, including land, food, water, etc. People knew themselves, knew what they needed to live and be happy. People mostly consumed only what they needed and shared that which was surplus to their need. This was a system of limited wants and unlimited resources.

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