
Posts Tagged ‘Reject water fluoridation’

Reject water flouridation….

Watch this video on the dangers of flouridation.

Flouride Action Network:  

We reject water fluoridation in New Zealand.  We care deeply about the dental health of our children and our community, but do not accept that diluting industrial waste and a cumulative poison in our drinking water is the best we can do for our families. We join the thousands of science, dental and medical professionals who have condemned this practice, in calling for its immediate abolishment, on the grounds that it:

– is outdated and based on unsound science;

– imposes upon us chronic, systemic health risks for a topical benefit;

– constitutes an unacceptable interference with our right to choose what we ingest;

– violates the most basic principles of ethical and sound medical practice (informed consent and patient autonomy, physician supervision, dosage control based on individual health status and susceptibility to adverse effects);

– violates our most fundamental liberties, including the right to refuse medical treatment, as protected by the NZ Bill of Rights.

Our signatures signify that we do not consent to the addition of fluoridating chemicals to our drinking water and demand that all New Zealand councils cease this practice at once.

You can register here

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